
Additional funding provided for Vancouver Life Sciences Building to mitigate inflationary costs

Facing escalating costs for construction materials, WSU has received $2.2 million in requested funding announced this week by the state’s budget office to mitigate this unanticipated increase associated with the construction of the Life Sciences Building on the WSU Vancouver campus. The building will house labs and lecture spaces primarily for STEM-disciplines and was first […]

State revenue projects slowing growth

In the first economic forecast since the adjournment of the Legislature this year, the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council released their quarterly revenue estimates yesterday that project an increase of $1.4 billion in the current 2021-2023 baseline. This bolsters the budget to total $64.1 billion, an 18.9 percent increase in revenue over the […]

Lind Field Day makes triumphant return

Following a two year interruption because of the pandemic, wheat growers and industry partners gathered in Lind, Washington last week for the 104th Lind Field Day, organized by WSU’s College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences. The group converged at WSU’s 1,300-acre Dryland Research Station in Lind, first established in 1915 to support dryland […]

Inflation driving tax collections ever higher

State revenues continued to exceed expectations in the May Economic & Revenue update released by the state Economic and Revenue Forecast Council late last week. The May report shows collections up $173.2 million for the most recent monthly reporting period, or 7.6 percent higher than what was forecasted in February. Including the months since February, […]

Higher education bills signed into law

Gov. Jay Inslee has signed a fleet of WSU-supported bills into law. House Bill 1751, in part, requires anti-hazing training for new students and institutes new transparency requirements for institutions of higher education and social fraternity and sorority organizations for violations of hazing laws, codes of conduct, and other protocols. WSU issued a statement this […]

Capital budget compromise funds Holland Library shelving

The state Senate and House released their compromise capital budget this afternoon, providing $2 million to WSU for high-density compact shelving in Holland library on the Pullman campus. The shelving would start a broader effort to consolidate some library collections and reclaim space in the campus core that could be repurposed at a later date. […]

SANE nursing bill sent to governor

A bill that would direct the WSU College of Nursing to provide sexual assault nurse examiner training was voted out of the Senate last night with a unanimous 47-0 vote. House Bill 1622, sponsored by Rep. Gina Mosbrucker, cleared the House in late January with a unanimous 97-0 vote. If signed by the governor and […]

Senate, House air operating budget proposals

Following an impressive economic and revenue forecast last week, state budget writers released their supplemental operating budgets for the 2021-23 biennium on Monday. Both the Senate and House proposals provide funding for WSU’s top legislative priority of employee compensation. Like the governor’s budget, the House budget provides $7.32 million for compensation enhancements and the Senate […]

Senate capital budget plan funds compact shelving in Holland Library

The state Senate released its proposed 2021-23 supplemental capital budget Wednesday afternoon, which would provide $2 million for WSU to acquire high-density compact shelving to consolidate some collections in Holland Library on the Pullman campus. This would contribute to a broader effort to consolidate collections in both Holland and Owen libraries allowing reclaimed space to […]