
WSU briefs committee on DEI initiatives

Washington State University’s Merrianneeta Nesbitt on Thursday briefed the state Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee on three of the university’s many initiatives designed to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. The university’s Assistant Director for the Office of Outreach and Education, Nesbitt outlined WSU’s new faculty and staff Community and Equity Certificate Program, calling […]

State revenue outlook continues to improve

The state budget outlook continued to improve on Wednesday as the bottom line was improved by $1.3 billion in the current 2019-21 biennium and $1.9 billion in the upcoming 2021-23 biennium, according to an updated state economic and revenue forecast. This stronger economic outlook is largely credited to two federal stimulus packages that were passed […]

Medical equity training bill advances

A bill that would require public medical schools in Washington to adopt health equity curriculum for their students cleared the Senate Ways and Means Committee today. Senate Bill 5228, sponsored by Senator Emily Randall, requires the state’s two public medical schools to establish such curriculum that may include instruction on relating to health disparities, intercultural […]

State revenue collections continue to exceed expectations

Washington state revenue collections between January 11th and February 10th continued to exceed forecasted expectations, according to the February Economic & Revenue Update produced by the Economic and Revenue Forecast Council. Collections came in $269.5 million higher for this period than forecasted in November. Collections are now $592.6 million or 9 percent higher than forecasted. […]

Senate Higher Ed committee advances Regent Cayanan nomination

WSU Student Regent Arleigh Cayanan appeared before the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee this afternoon during his confirmation hearing. Cayanan, a fourth year student in College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the WSU Health Sciences campus, was nominated by Governor Inslee to fill the student regent position which is designated to provide […]

WSU testifies on governor’s operating budget

WSU Director of State Relations Chris Mulick on Tuesday lauded Governor Jay Inslee’s operating budget proposal for keeping to key commitments while asking the Legislature to hold higher education harmless in the budget it sends him this spring. The governor’s proposal funds WSU’s $3.6 million request to complete funding for the 20-seat expansion of the […]

Senate briefed on WSU bee research

WSU Professor of Entomology Laura Lavine was invited before a virtual committee hearing of the Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks Committee this afternoon to share about honey bee research being conducted at WSU and comment on recommendations offered by the state Pollinator Health Task Force. The Pollinator Health Task Force was created by […]

Deal Reached

I am sure you have all seen that Congress has reached a deal on a $900 billion stimulus package. They plan at this point is for them to vote before the current continuing resolution funding the federal government runs out at midnight. If everything goes well, the government should be funded through the end of […]

Operating budget proposal funds WSU priorities, includes furlough program

The pandemic-era operating budget proposal introduced by Governor Jay Inslee Thursday calls for the implementation of a furlough, but also funds core WSU priorities. It’s just the first of three budget proposals to be introduced before a compromise is reached next spring. The Legislature convenes in January, when the House and Senate will begin crafting […]

Governor’s capital budget proposal funds top WSU priorities

Governor Jay Inslee on Thursday introduced a 2021-23 capital budget that significantly funds WSU’s request, funding for construction and renovation at campuses in Pullman, Vancouver and Spokane while making an important dent in the university’s deferred maintenance backlog. The proposal is just the first of three to be put on the table for consideration. The […]