
WSU Everett students take their research to Olympia

Four mechanical engineering students from Washington State University Everett represented WSU Tuesday at Undergraduate Research Day in Olympia. They joined delegations from the University of Washington, Eastern Washington University, Western Washington University, Central Washington University and the Evergreen State College to present their research projects and answer questions in the Capitol rotunda. Representing WSU were […]

WSU medical residency bill gets full support on the House floor

The House version of Washington State University’s medical school residency bill cleared a giant hurdle today as it passed unanimously out of the House during today’s floor debate with a vote of 98-0. House Bill 2443 adds the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine to the Family Medicine Residency Network as a third co-chair alongside […]

Senate supports aviation biofuels legislation

Legislation that would reestablish the Sustainable Aviation Biofuels Workgroup passed through the Senate with unanimous support during yesterday evening’s Senate floor session. Senate Bill 6563 would require WSU’s Office of Clean Technology to convene the previously established workgroup of aviation biofuel stakeholders in order to facilitate communication and further develop the sustainable aviation fuel industry. […]

Senate version of medicine residency bill beats policy deadline

The Senate version of legislation to add the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine to the Family Medicine Residency Network passed out of the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee tonight. The vote comes just in time, with all bills needing to be moved out of their policy committees by Friday. This evening’s meeting […]

Support voiced in the Senate for medical school residency bill

Washington State University and University of Washington Medicine voiced support this morning on legislation that would add the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine to the Family Medicine Residency Network during today’s Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee. Testimony on Senate Bill 6093 from both institutions can be viewed below. You can also view […]

WSU supports reestablishment of aviation biofuels workgroup

Washington State University testified in support of legislation that would continue the Sustainable Aviation Biofuels Workgroup during today’s Senate Energy, Environment & Technology Committee. The workgroup was previously established in 2012 to further develop the sustainable aviation fuel industry by facilitating communication among aviation biofuel stakeholders, but the group expired in July of last year. […]

Medical school residency bill clears first hurdle in the House

Legislation that would add the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine to the Family Medicine Residency Network passed unanimously out of the House Health Care & Wellness Committee this morning. You can view video of the committee action below and check out our previous coverage of the measure here. House Bill 2443 would include WSU […]

WSU supports measure to provide loan repayment relief for rural doctors

Washington State University testified this morning before the State House Higher Education Committee in support of proposed legislationHouse Bill 2598sponsored by Representative Marcus Riccelli of Spokane, which would establish a matched student loan repayment program for doctors to increase the rural physician workforce. The Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine has a holistic admissions process […]

Students across the WSU system participate in Coug Day at the Capitol

Just shy of 100 WSU students gathered in Olympia today for their annual Coug Day at the Capitol event, with all six university campuses represented. The day of advocacy is organized by the Associated Students of Washington State University and allows an opportunity for students to meet with state lawmakers and discuss higher education priorities. […]

Legislature approves 2017-19 capital budget

The Legislature tonight passed the 2017-19 biennial capital budget with a vote of 95-1 in the House and a vote of 49-0 in the Senate. Budget writers reached an agreement last year but lawmakers had not yet voted to approve it without having yet reached agreement on high profile water policy legislation. The budget still […]