WSU President engages governor, lawmakers in Olympia

WSU President Kirk Schulz spent last week advocating for WSU’s legislative priorities over a rigorous three-day stretch.

The visit to Olympia included a meeting with Governor Jay Inslee at the outset of the week. President Schulz met with the governor along with Regents Marty Dickinson and Jenette Ramos to discuss the status of collegiate athletics and how WSU is responding to the challenges ahead.

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President Schulz spent time with the leaders of all four legislative caucuses, pressing for legislative funding for a contract agreed to last week with newly-organized academic student employees. WSU also is seeking funding to meet its obligations under the Climate Commitment Act and funding for a supply chain management major that would be available through the WSU campuses in Everett and Vancouver. You can find more information on WSU’s 2024 legislative agenda here.

During his visit, President Schulz also met with student leadership, who represent their student body constituency on the hill during the legislative session.

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The state Legislature is in its third week and 16th day in its 60-day legislative session.