
Interim field trip: Meyer’s Point

Plunged deep into Henderson Inlet bordering one of the South Puget Sound’s many crooked fingers you’ll find what was once the largest ever gift to Washington State University, residing on the original homelands of the Nisqually and Squaxin people. For researchers, the Meyer’s Point Environmental Field Station northeast of Olympia offers a little bit of […]

WSU’s dairy research featured in D.C.

WSU’s world-famous Cougar Gold cheese and Huckleberry Ripple ice cream made a 3,000-mile journey to the nation’s capital this week, where they were featured at a reception on Capitol Hill hosted by the Association of American Public and Land Grant Universities. The “Scoops of Science: Public and Land-grant University Creamery Reception” on Capitol Hill highlighted […]

WSU Chancellors, President talk FAFSA delays, campus priorities in D.C.

President Kirk Schulz was joined by all six Chancellors in the nation’s capital last week to highlight the university’s federal priorities and campus initiatives. The group also discussed the impacts of ongoing FAFSA delays and the importance of college affordability and accessibility with members of the state’s Congressional delegation and staff, industry leaders, and other […]

Federal budget includes wins for WSU Health Sciences

The recent federal funding package for fiscal year 2024 shows support for WSU priorities in the health science space.  WSU’s Indigenous Health Simulation Center will receive $1.47 million as part of a congressionally directed spending request that was supported by Senator Patty Murray, a testimony to the importance of WSU’s work in this space. The […]

State tax collections dip slightly

Revenue collections were lower than forecasted for the last month, according to the latest revenue update report published by the state’s Economic and Revenue Forecast Council on Thursday afternoon. Between February 11th and March 10th, the state collected $29.5 million, 1.5 percent lower than forecasted in February. The forecast last month projected slow growth in […]

Governor signs WSU-backed NIL bill

A bill signed by the governor today will clarify state ethics law for university employees engaging student athletes in activities regarding the student’s name, image, and likeness (NIL). Senate Bill 5913 received bipartisan support from lawmakers in the Senate and House during the 2024 legislative session that adjourned last week. Sponsored by Sen. Javier Valdez, […]

Then and now: College debt falling at WSU

Fewer WSU students are taking out loans and graduating with loan debt and average debts are falling since the state began its campaign to enhance college affordability in 2015.  The Great Recession drove the Legislature to increase tuition at WSU by 75 percent over four years in order to partially mitigate a near halving of […]

House elects Speaker, appropriations process can move forward

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this post contained a broken link to House Speaker Mike Johnson’s Dear Colleague letter. The link has been fixed. We apologize for any inconvenience.  This week, the House of Representatives elected Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) as the next Speaker of the House, following weeks of uncertainty after a federal shutdown […]

State revenues projected to continue growth trajectory

In their quarterly revenue review this morning, the state Economic and Revenue Forecast Council adopted a forecast that anticipates a $664 million increase to the state’s current 2023-25 biennial budget. This September forecast now projects the state’s total budget to be at $66.7 billion. The forecast for the upcoming 2025-27 biennium also saw an increase […]

Ground broken for Schweitzer Engineering Hall

University leaders, students, faculty, donors and public officials officially broke ground on Schweitzer Engineering Hall Friday afternoon on the Pullman campus. Set for completion in 2026, the student-centered facility marks a rare equal partnership between the state and more than five dozen philanthropists, who are funding the $80 million facility equally. The largest donors include […]