
Week Two of Recess

Over halfway through the two-week recess, Congress will reconvene for session on Monday the 13th.  During the first week of recess, Senator Cantwell and Congresswoman McMorris-Rodgers traveled back West, joining Governor Jay Inslee, for an energy summit hosted by WSU’s Energy Systems Innovation Center. This week Dr. Yogendra Gupta Director for the WSU  Institute for Shock Physics […]

Governor, community leaders celebrate passage of historic legislation

Governor Jay Inslee and Spokane leaders came together in Spokane yesterday to join Washington State University leadership and the WSU community in celebrating passage of historic legislation allowing WSU to operate a medical school. The medical school bill, HB 1559, was signed by the governor on Wednesday, amending a nearly 100 year old law that limited medical […]

WSU offers support for Senate budget

The state Senate unveiled its proposed operating budget earlier today and the Ways and Means Committee heard testimony this afternoon. WSU weighed in with its support. The Senate proposal provides $2.5 million in start-up funding for WSU’s request to pursue accreditation for a new medical school in Spokane. Additionally, the Senate funded $4 million to […]

WSU testifies in support of House budget

WSU offered up testimony in the House Appropriations Committee this afternoon supporting the operating budget proposal introduced Friday. Video will be posted below when available. The proposed House budget funds WSU’s $2.5 million request for start-up funding for a new medical school in Spokane. It also funded three of four requested academic programs that would […]

Two Week Recess

What’s coming up this week: Last week the Budget Resolution was passed, leaving this week to mark the beginning of a short congressional recess. While members have departed for their respective destinations, staffers will be using this two-week recess for a fair amount of catch up and preparation for the upcoming weeks of session. Recess […]

House budgets fund Spokane, Everett initiatives

Budget writers in the House of Representatives unveiled operating and capital budget proposals today that fund start-up of a new WSU medical school in Spokane and expansion of the university’s footprint in Everett, among other priorities. The operating budget proposal funds WSU’s $2.5 million request to support start-up of the medical school and $1.8 million […]

Senate sends WSU medical school bill to governor

The state Senate this morning approved the WSU medical school bill 47-1, sending it to the governor. HB 1559 would authorize Washington State University to pursue medicine as an academic discipline. The bill has seen strong bi-partisan support this year given its potential to address the issues surrounding health care shortages in Washington. The bill […]

Bill would boost training for health sciences students

WSU gave testimony yesterday in support of HB 1369, a bill that would provide health sciences students more opportunities to train in team based settings like they would in professional practice. Students currently provide basic services such as checking vital signs, conducting cholesterol screenings and providing immunizations at health fairs or in other volunteer activities. […]

SBDC Visits DC

Duane Fladland, State Director of the Washington Small Business Development Center, along with Andrew DePaula a Washington State constituent, who is also the CEO and Founder of IntelliPaper visited the Hill this week. Highlighting his tech-savvy concept, DePaula was well received on the Hill. Presenting at the SBDC 35th Anniversary reception, DePaula had a moment […]