Regents approve WSU supplemental budget requests

Today the WSU Board of Regents approved the university’s proposed 2014 supplemental capital and operating budget requests.

Included in the approved supplemental operating budget request is $1 million for additional program support for the University Center of North Puget Sound and $3.6 million in maintenance and operations funding for the newly constructed WSU Vancouver Applied Technology Classroom Building, the Pullman Veterinary Medical Research Building, and the Spokane Riverpoint-Biomedical Health Sciences Building. The Regents also approved a $500,000 request for matching funds in support of a WSU application for a Federal Aviation Administration-designated Center of Excellence for Aviation Jet Fuel and Environment.

The approved supplemental capital budget request includes $5.3 million in funding to design Phase II of the Global Animal Health Building complex to physically connect the Washington Animal Disease & Diagnostic Laboratory to the Allen Center. Also approved by the Regents is a request for $5 million to make significant programmatic and modernization improvements to aging university facilities.

You can find the supplemental budget request proposals as they were presented to the Regents here and WSU News coverage of the approved budgets here.

The Legislature will convene for the 2014 regular legislative session on January 13 to consider a supplemental budget to the 2013-2015 biennial budget they approved on June 29. The regular session is scheduled to last 60 days.