WSU Global Campus receives national award

Last week the Sloan Consortium (Sloan-C) announced WSU as the recipient of the 2013 Ralph E. Gomory Award for Quality Online Education.

“The Sloan-C Awards recognize the tremendous advances in online learning that result from the ideas and initiatives of individuals and colleges and universities globally,” said Meg Benke, president of Sloan-C’s board of directors.

Sloan-C is a professional non-profit online learning society devoted to advancing quality e-Education learning into the mainstream of education.

Online education has been of great interest to the Legislature. Dave Cillay, vice president of WSU’s Global Campus, presented to both the House and the Senate higher education committees on the subject earlier this year. You can find his presentation to the Senate Higher Education Committee here.

Awarded for its commitment to assessing and improving the quality of its online education, the Global Campus operates on the application of five quality pillars: Access, learning effectiveness, cost effectiveness, student satisfaction and faculty satisfaction.

“This award is a testament to WSU’s pioneering work in technology-mediated instruction and our continuous pursuit of improving the educational experience for our students,” said Cillay in response to the award. “It is also a testament to the vision of President Elson Floyd who understood the importance and potential of a Global Campus at WSU.”

The WSU News Center reports that WSU’s online degree program has won 10 awards from the University Continuing Education Association and five from the National University Telecommunication Network (NUTN), receiving the NUTN Institution Achievement award in 2009.