On the Hill:

The first week back after recess is well underway. Summer has come to an abrupt end and Congress is gearing up for a busy fall. Congress is back and faced with only a hand full of days before the end of the fiscal year, the upcoming days will be packed with negotiations and bumps in the road as both sides of the aisle work to ensure that the government does not shut down. Despite only having a limited amount of time to prevent another shutdown, consensus is that both Democrat and Republican leadership are committed to avoiding a shut down once again.


Nevertheless, things are in full swing as appropriation bills are in Congress awaiting action, federal spending limits wait to be agreed on and a continuing resolution is hopefully waiting on the horizon.

Fall priorities for this Congress will include a continued battle over the Iran Deal, a tug of war over the FY 2016 budget, and many programs that will sunset at the end of the calendar year if Congress does not act.

Yesterday Presidential hopefuls Senator Ted Cruz and front Runner Donald Trump participated in a rally on the steps of the United States Capitol organized by the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party. Opposing the Iran Deal and denouncing it as a loss for America, the presidential hopefuls were joined by former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin and others. For more on the story and to here what other presidential candidates had to say, follow this link.

It will be interesting to see how or if the energy from this rally impacts the political will of Congress to move forward on any compromised piece of legislation.