
WSU( and Ice Cream) Visit DC

Last week, was a busy week for the WSU Office of Federal Relations.  WSU Spokane Chancellor Lisa Brown and Acting Dean of the Medical Sciences, Ken Roberts traveled to DC to share updates with the Congressional delegation on the WSU Spokane Medical Science Campus. In addition, Dr.  Jim Moyer, the Director of the WSU Agriculture […]

WSU medical school bill approved by Senate

The state Senate approved the WSU medical school bill this morning, just 12 hours after the House of Representatives approved its own version. Senate Bill 5487 was approved 45-4. House Bill 1559 was approved last night 81-17. The bills are identical and one of them must be approved by the opposite chamber to be sent […]

ASWSU: Student Government Leaders in DC

Last week, ASWSU President Jared Powell and Jansen VanderMeulen were on Capitol Hill to discuss the great work students at Washington State University are doing to combat the serious issue of sexual assault and violence on college campuses.  Powell and VanderMeulen invited members of the Washington delegation to join them this spring for an It’s […]

House passes WSU medical school bill 81-17

The House of Representatives approved the WSU medical bill tonight, sending it to the Senate. HB 1559 passed through the House with a vote of 81-17. HB 1559’s companion bill, SB 5487, was pushed through the Rules Committee on Friday and is awaiting a floor vote. The measures would change a 1917 statute and allow […]

Senate passes enology, viticulture bill

A bill that would allow enology and viticulture students under 21 to taste but not consume wine was passed during last night’s Senate floor debate. SB 5001 passed with a vote of 45-3. HB 1004, companion bill to SB 5001, passed through the house earlier this week. Both bills seek to include state and regional […]

‘Public universities, crucial for the greater good’

Washington State University’s vice president for development John Gardner wrote a guest article in the Seattle Times this week on public universities and the role they play in establishing a better, healthier community. As chief executive of the Washington State University Foundation, Gardner also discusses in his article the speculation surrounding the privatization of public […]

House passes bill for enology, viticulture programs

The House of Representatives this afternoon approved a measure to allow minors in enology and viticulture courses to taste but not consume wine. House Bill 1004 was approved on a 94-4 vote and now heads to the Senate. An identical measure is awaiting a floor vote there. Similar legislation was approved for community and technical […]

Roundup: Med school, cutoff and budget

The Legislature enters the eighth week of its 105 day session today and as of this morning will spend the next 10 days voting bills off the floor of the House and Senate. Below you’ll find a few odds and ends to start the week. You’ll find a listing of all bills that survived Friday’s […]

Medical bill clears key hurdle

The House Appropriations Committee tonight gave the WSU medical school bill a do pass recommendation, sending it to the Rules Committee where it will await a vote of the full House of Representatives. House Bill 1559 passed out on a 24-9 vote. The Senate version of the bill passed out of the Senate Ways & Means […]