
WSU backs open educational resources legislation

WSU has made significant strides in the past year to expand awareness and implementation of open educational resources in the classroom, and it continued to do so by issuing its support of HB 1561 – a bill designed to increase the use of these resources at four-year higher education institutions. The bill was heard in […]

Senate hears branch campus bill

WSU issued its full support behind legislation that would remove the term “branch” from “branch campus” in state law during Thursday’s Senate Higher Education committee hearing. HB 1107 aims to remove the term “branch” as an identifying factor for extension campuses. WSU testified in support of the bill before the House Higher Education committee back […]

Committee presentation highlights industry collaborations

The Senate Higher Education Committee on Thursday held a work session to discuss high demand degree programs and industry collaboration in preparing students for the workforce by the public four-year higher education sector. Paul Francis, executive director for the Council of Presidents, presented on behalf of the sector and noted that enrollment by the public […]

College of Medicine receives NCCU accreditation

Washington State University’s College of Medicine passed another milestone this week by receiving accreditation from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. The college obtained approval from the commission to offer a Doctor of Medicine to medical students beginning their coursework in August. The college in October gained accreditation from the Liaison Committee on Medical […]

Students from all campuses attend Coug Day at the Capitol

About 160 WSU students swarmed Olympia today pressing the cause of higher education during the annual Coug Day at the Capitol event. Organized by the Associated Students of Washington State University, the delegation included students from all WSU campuses — including the Global Campus — speaking with one voice. Of those who participated, fewer than […]

TVW interviews Med School Dean

Dr. John Tomkowiak, inaugural Dean of the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, was interviewed on Inside Olympia this week to discuss the development of the state’s second publicly funded medical school. The dean spoke with TVW about the selection process the college is using to find the right 60 students from among the 700 […]

WSU report on Cross-Laminated Timber heard in Capital Budget committee

Washington State University professor Dan Dolan spoke before the House Capital Budget committee last week to discuss results of a report he and his team drafted on the current status and barriers to using cross-laminated timber (CLT) for construction. Dolan’s report includes details on where CLT is currently being utilized across North America, how CLT […]

Senate updated on Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine

Dr. Ken Roberts, Vice Dean for Academic and Community Partnerships, provided a status update on the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine to the Senate Higher Education committee Tuesday. In October, the college received preliminary accreditation status, giving the University permission to begin the student recruiting process. In the narrow month-long admissions window, the College […]

Senate briefed on top WSU budget priorities

Washington State University outlined its top budget priorities before the Senate Higher Education committee during a work session earlier this morning. The land-grant institution gave an overview on its geographical reach across the state and updated the committee on the status of current university initiatives, including a brief summary of the developing Elson S. Floyd […]

Senate committee updated on WSU’s marijuana research

WSU provided a briefing on its marijuana research activities to the Senate Commerce, Labor & Sports committee yesterday afternoon. Nick Lovrich, Regents Professor Emeritus and chair of an internal WSU committee overseeing university cannabis research efforts, highlighted five WSU research projects including tests on cannabis as a substitute for opioid medications and the psychological effects […]